Heila Technologies
Table Rock is the lead investor in Heila Technologies which developers innovative microgrid hardware and software systems.
Heila’s Edge Computing process is based on decentralized real management hardware and software for distributed energy resources (DER’s) including solar, batteries, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, hydroelectric and traditional carbon based resources. The Heila control process uses game theory to enable a large number of DER’s to work together in a decentralized process that optimizes the performance of energy production. transmission, storage and consumption. Heila’s is hardware agnostic and accounts for DER’s in front of and behind the meter in an optimized management process that ensures DER’s perform at the highest level of productivity.
When used in a microgrid format Helia enables islanding from the grid providing increased resiliency during power outages. And can support off grid power management solutions where DER availability is adequate to serve the energy needs of a particular application. Heila enables grid arbitrage and can provide ancillary services to the grid
Investment: $3 MM (seed round)